Hydrating During The Summer Months
Updated: Aug 18, 2020

Now that we're getting into the warmer summer months, it’s important to drink up! With the higher temperatures, humidity and increased outdoor activities, dehydration is more likely to occur. Proper hydration is important for general health, and if you’re an athlete it can affect your performance.
Don’t wait for your body to let you know you’re thirsty before drinking- you’re already becoming dehydrated at that point. Be proactive instead:
Start your day out with a glass of water
Keep a bottle or glass of water with you throughout the day
Drink water prior, during and after exercise
Limit alcohol intake as it can cause dehydration
The best way to determine if you’re sufficiently hydrated is to look at the color or your urine. It doesn’t need to be clear, but it should be light-colored. If it looks dark, like apple juice, then you are most likely dehydrated. Note: Soon after having certain vitamins your urine may appear dark even with proper hydration.
If you are doing moderate to high-intensity exercise for an hour or more, a sports drink to replace electrolytes may be necessary. This can also apply to lower intensity exercise performed in high temperatures for extended periods of time.
Signs of dehydration include:
Dry mouth
Dark urine
Decreased exercise capacity
Signs of severe dehydration include:
Sunken eyes
Lack of sweat or tears
Rapid heartrate
Breathing rapidly
If symptoms of severe dehydration occur, call 911 as medical assistance may be required.